This blog is dedicated to my doggie, Jack

This blog is dedicated to my doggie, Jack
Best Papillon Ever

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Music brings an unusual animal to visit

At the moment I'm on vacation in Sarasota, FL. Earlier today I was just home from the beach and was sitting at a friend's computer reading some email. I was softly humming to myself when suddenly my friend called me quietly to tip-toe over to the window. When I did, there was the most beautiful, snowy-white egret standing on the porch just looking around. Here is his picture. We were concerned at first that we would accidentally scare him away but then we started moving around and he just stood there looking at us. Did the music draw him in? He never made a sound but he sure seemed to be listening to something. What do you think?


Alice H. Cash said...

Hi, this is Alice with a little P.S. to that post. It turns out that the friend who owns that house also has some beautiful deep wind chimes on the front porch where the the bird came. We're thinking the the wind chimes may also have enticed that bird to come so close to humans. What do you think?

Unknown said...

Hi Alice... I agree with animals and music. When I was younger my family and I went to Butler State Park for the day. I was sitting on a park bench playing my 12 - string guitar when this very cute and hyper little puppy came bouncing my way. He stopped and tilted his head while I was playing, then laid down and closed his eyes. When I stopped playing he popped back up and ran off. Was such an eye opening experience for me. My family to this day talks about how music effects animals. Just thought I would share.